Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's a Girl!

We found out last Saturday that we are having another girl! We went to Fetal Fotos to have an ultrasound done (I couldn't wait another week until my Dr appointment haha) and had such an awesome experience! They gave us a dvd set to music, you can actually see the baby's mouth moving sucking on her thumb! We will definetly be going back again for future pregnancies, and maybe later for this one to get a 3D ultrasound done :) Underneath her chin in the picture you can see her little arm resting. Kennedy is so excited to have a baby sister! We haven't told Kyrsten yet, she is with her mom for another week but I'm sure she will love having another sister :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I'm pregnant again! I'm about 9 weeks, my due date is November 30th. We are so excited! We've been trying for a awhile, so we are glad the Lord finally decided it was time :) I've had 3 ultrasounds so far and everything looks great. I haven't been as sick this time, which is good since I'm still working full time and cannot afford to take any time off! You can sort of see the profile of the head in the picture on the left. :)

Kennedy is 2 now and so big! She talks in sentences and is just hilarious.

This is her birthday dress. :)

This is after I put curlers in her hair for church

She still loves her blanky. She had just woken up from her nap, that's why her cheeks are so rosy!

The girls outside one day when there wasn't snow! And that's Beau in the background :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Cooper Kraig Garner was born at 4:16pm yesterday! He weighed 6 pounds 12 oz and was 21 inches long! Diana's labor was only about 4 1/2 hours! He had to be pulled out by forceps because his heart rate was going down, which apparently was caused by the cord being wrapped around his neck. He had to go down to the nursery because it sounded like there was fluid in his lungs, but after x rays the doctors said his lungs looked good. So, here are a couple pictures!


The girls were cowgirls this year, and I made their costumes! (with Diana's help :) ) I had to work, so Evan took the girls over to my mom's and his parents house with I was gone. After I got home we went tirck or treating around the neighborhood. They both had a lot of fun! Kennedy would not wear her cowgirl hat (of course) and one time we were walking and I noticed that Kennedy had lost one of her boots! Evan had to run back about 3 houses to get it. There was one house that had some scary decorations on the porch, and Kennedy was hesitating to go to the door, as she got closer fog started coming out of a fog machine and Kennedy turned around, dropped her candy bag and ran away! It was so funny! So, here are some pictures

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Kyrsten started Kindergarten last week! Evan got to drop her off for her first day, and her BM picked her up afterwards. We get every other weekend Thursday to Monday now, so I get to drive 1/2 hour to Salt Lake 3 times every other week to drop her off and pick her up! :) I talked to her on the phone last week and she said she is having fun, and I will pick her up on Thursday this week for our weekend.

-Evan took this picture, can you tell? lol!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I took Kennedy to get her 18 month pictures last week, and figured I should finally get pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses (yes, I know Easter was in March haha) and I also got a picture in their 4th of July outfits

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kennedy's hair

Kennedy's hair is finally getting long enough for me to do stuff with, but she only has enough that I can get maybe ahlf her hair in a ponytail. I came across this blog yesterday so I thought I would try something out! this is what I did

lol can you tell she did not want her picture taken? She sat still the whole time that I was doing her hair and then would not let me take any pictures! I was getting in the way of her watching Woody. lol

notice Buzz Lightyears arm on the tv haha I love her little pony tail in the back!